I have simply wished to base upon a thorough knowledge of tradition the reasoned and independent feeling of my own individuality - Gustave Courbet, 1855
You're an art Mormon! - David Lucas, 2012
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hanna, Unfortunate Wit
We have started putting together the poetry and drawings, if anyone wants one, let me know, they are giclee using Epson inks (we can print them currently up to 13"x19"). We start with a simple black and white, with a poem of hanna's I quite like...
I put the "mature audience" warning on for those who are bothered by the dangly bits and lumps and crevices of life, intimacy, and trust - reproductive, mammary, intellectual, emotional, poetic, political, reasoned or unreasoned, what have you. There are lots of other places to find order, cleanliness, and capital "t" Truth, but this isn't really one of them.
A few words of wisdom
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
Halifax (well Darkside, really), Nova Scotia, Canada
The blog name HalifaxCB comes from a handle I used to use on the Global View Forex Forum, which is a great site. If you have come here looking for Forex info, particularly on Kalman filtering, I'm out of the game, but stay and read about art. Or better yet, buy some. That's all I do now.
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