Friday, February 25, 2011

Hanna 2-for-1

I've just gotten around to photographing the work Hanna and I have done this week; most of the work needs to be extensively redone. There's good weeks and bad! Unfortunately I won't be able to get back to these on the weekend, as I'm off to the lithography workshop at the Mahone Bay Center. How can Mahone Bay volunteers organize these things so well, and NSCAD can't at all?

These 2 drawings - which I rather like - were done Monday and Tuesday; the first was done with Hanna on Monday; the second is a reworking from the first. I did the second to correct drawing errors in the first and try and settle it down a bit, but in many ways I prefer the first (particularly Hanna's expression, and the looseness of the drawing).

Both are 24"x36", NuPastel on Kraft paper.

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