Monday, May 30, 2011

Elizabeth and other things...

The sun's shining (finally!), Fats Waller is on the CD, and I sit at my desk working on redrawing the sketches of Elizabeth from Saturday, reworking the etching plate of Hanna at the piano, and watching the neighborhood kids building a fort out of knotweed stalks, and life's pretty good.

Anyway, here's some quick sketches from Saturday (complete with notes to myself, what a mess). Elizabeth is a new model to Richard's drawing group. Very quiet, graceful, and poised. I don't know if I'll do anything formal with them, though with her fine lines, formal carriage, and the mixture of sharp highlights and strong tones of the day, I really wish I had the patience a to do mezzotint. Maybe in the next lifetime!

As for the etchng plate, there's things I really like about it, and things I don't, which is a much worse position than when you really like a thing completely, or hate it altogether. I'm not a master of decisive action, so I'll probably just wind up redrawing it from scratch...

1 comment:

Sandra Heading said...

Wow Chris been checking your lovely work out , I find these just really , really beautifully handled !