Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This is one that has been hanging around since last year, which I forgot to put up....The drawing is a bit awkward, but I quite like the colour.

24x36. NuPastel on Kraft paper.

Hanna Take 2

A little too far to the expressionist side perhaps, but it's a start. NuPastel on Kraft paper, 24x36.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


No model this morning! Seems to be the flu. So we got the artists who arranges the sessions instead. (For his work, please see: Richard Rudnicki )
These are all pencil on 12x12 Canson drawing pad paper.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Pencil on Canson sketchpad, 14x17 (this has been cut down a bit). A rough 3 hour session, this took the last 40 minutes, and was about the only presentable sketch. (I really hate it when one has a good model, good light, and nothing works).

She was a lovely model, and I hope to be working with her in the future.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

MacDonald Head, November and December

In late November and early December, we had three or four Mondays in a row that brought big storms, and big waves, and high winds. So I would head out to MacDonald Head with Shorty, the sketchbook, and a camera, and catch whatever I could. And then dash back to the studio, dry off, and get back to work.
This is the first one; the wind was strong enough to make standing very difficult, but we tried working our way up from Stony Beach. Until a squall came in. It's a marvellous site until it's directly overhead...oil on canvasboard, 11x14

Another day we headed out - this one was cold and damp, with long rolling breakers coming into the outlet between Stony Beach and the eastern end of Conrad's, and grey foggy skies. In a funny way, it's my favourite weather. That cad yellow really is to harsh though. Oil on canvasboard, 9x12

During another storm, Shorty & I went climbing around on the head, which resulted in this picture. The offshore buoys were recording waves of 25+ feet, inshore I guess they were around 10-15 ft, though it's very hard to judge. What struck me then - and it's something that often does during these storms - was the odd colour of the light, particularly in the fog that rolled in and out. Oil on canvasboard, 10x14

But the storm moved off quickly; as it cleared the double layer of clouds stood out, and the rosy tints off to the south, and the sea which had been beaten into a froth. Oil on canvasboard, 10x14

And the next day? Back to something more serene.Oil on canvas, 11x14.

Laneway, December

Time to catch up on uploading work!. Snow in the lane; started outside, finished inside. 11x14 oil on canvasboard.